6 Tips to Recover From Back Surgery
Back surgery for first time is truly painful and difficulty in regaining any quality of life than before. Even when sleep with different positions can be extremely painful. Here are six tips that we picked up that can make it easier for you.
Stay ahead of the pain
Pain is awful. Pain actually stops the post-surgery healing process. So the first tip to recover from back surgery is get rid of as many pain as you can which means taking pain meds. You are not taking it when you need it, but before you need it. Once the pain starts to sneak in, it’s going to take a while before you get relief after taking the prescribed pain medicine as directed. Do not worry about addiction because people with no history of drug addiction using opioids as prescribed are less likely to become addicted.
Honor the fatigue
After 4 to 5 hours of surgery, your body will feel that shock and discomfort. It is considered normal because your body is recovering from 4 to 5 hours of anesthesia. Some people have reported feeling the effects of anesthesia for weeks. those effects may cause feeling fatigue and cognitive dysfunction as well. For the solution is just lie down and rest when you’re tired. Pushing yourself will just make the recovery process longer and more difficult.
Use adaptive devices to achieve normal state
After surgery, the best feeling is going home to your normal life. But after surgery, you have many restrictions on movements that require bending, lifting and twisting. It will be tough to achieve that normal state and you need to be clever to overcome those issues or just use some of the many adaptive devices available. Use the walker or cane that hospital provided and also get a commode or elevated toilet seat, reacher, shower seat, and sock aid to help you pull your socks on.
Don’t worry about back surgery didn’t work
Stop worrying about the pain on your hips because those feelings are normal. Continued nerve pain after surgery is normal, even down your sciatic nerve. During surgery, the nerves are pushed around which caused them to react. Those affected nerves are not just going to bounce back instantaneously when the nerve root is given breathing space.
Don’t let your recovery get you down
We all have hope and expectations that we’re going to recover very quickly from surgery. After an operation, to recover back to your normal condition might take several months. Unless your nerve compression was caused by trauma, your condition developed over time which is rare. Just go along with the flow and you’ll be back to your normal state.
Rely on others
The last tip to recover from back surgery is to take advantage of any help you can get. In fact, ask for help more to make sure you put together a support network to help you recover. That means having backups and people around who you can rely on when you need a hand. Having someone close helping you will ease your anxiety, allowing you to slowly get familiar with the environment.