Everything you need to know about flat feet
Flat feet is your feet has low arches or no arches at all. The arch is the inside part of your feet that is usually raised off the ground when you are standing, while the rest of the foot is flat on the ground. Most people have a visible space on the inner part of their feet which known as the arch.
How can I tell if I have flat feet?
It can be very easy to identify while standing or walking. When someone with flat feet is standing, their arch or inner foot flattens, and the foot may roll over to the inner side. To know if your foot over-pronates, try stand on tiptoe or push your big toe back as far as possible. The arch will appear if your foot is normal and flexible. If the arch does not appear, then your foot is likely to over-pronate when you walk or run.
Flat feet symptoms
Usually, flat feet do not cause problems, but they can put tension on your muscles and ligaments, which result causes pain in your legs when you walk. You may experience pain in any of the following areas if you have flat feet:
– inside of your ankle
– arch of your foot
– calf
– knee, hip or back
– outside if your foot
Part of people with flat feet their weight distributed unevenly, mainly if their foot is over-pronates. If your foot is over-pronated you will wear out your shoes quicker. Over-pronated can also injury your ankle joint and Achilles tendon which is the large tendon at the back of your ankle.
Usually, treatment is not needed for flat feet but if your feet start to feel the ache, the achiness can be relieved by wearing supportive shoes that fit properly or wear shoes that are wider than normal. If your feet are over-pronated then you may need to wear an orthotic device which is a special and custom insole made for flat feet to stop your feet rolling inwards when you walk or run. For a rare case like a child with flat feet due to a problem they born with a congenital abnormality, surgery may be needed. The foot may need to be straightened, or the bone may need to be separated if they are combined together.